Promotional - Event Apparel

April 3, 2020

Michael Smart Photography can now offer custom designed promotional and event apparel, why has a company that specifically specialises in photography started offering these services you might be wondering?

​We can answer this question truthfully and with the utmost transparency as its how we like to conduct our business, back in 2018 we became a photography partner for Scallywags Nursery based in our home town of Carnoustie, at the beginning we outsourced our workflow and printing to other companies within the UK & Europe.  After our initial success and becoming a permanent partner at Scallwags and always having a desire to print ourselves we received our first printer that same year which then allowed us to centralise our services and product ordering through our own website.

with our initial outsourcing and then in essence becoming a middle Man there was a number of products that we couldn't price competitively due to geographical differences from our supplying partners who's own market demanded a higher price, it was at this point that we strived to produce as much as we can in house to accommodate our local market.

we had noticed that scallywags had their own promotional products both to sell and gift to their children which then inspired us to become a one stop shop for nurseries in our local area, we are proud to be able to produce 60 mugs an hr along with varying quality digital prints for apparels.

michael smart photography takes great pride in overseeing our products and services ourselves from the second we take a photograph till the time we go to print we have full control over our quality and service, which helps to separate ourselves from our competitors something we are exceptionally proud of with that been said our nurseries and clients have become extended family to us.

Promotional apparel

Event Apparel

Product information

promotional apparel

Event apparel

we ask our clients if they have a location in mind that means something to them, maybe they have spent a number of hours with loved ones over the years and their location that they choose is very special to their hearts.

Promotional - Event Apparel
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